We Can Transform Stress!

About Tom Wachowski

I’m Tom. I’m a parent with 3 kids, a career, color-full calendars, and continuous task lists, (and a passion for Great Lakes boating!). My busy days can easily become stressful. I get flooded, reactive, regretful…not effective, not useful, and I don’t feel good (insert sad face). That’s not who I want to be.

I need to be able to TRANSFORM stress into something useful, fast. I bet you can relate.


Here’s how I discovered the importance of transforming stress:


Along the way I noticed that the suffering from overwhelm, conflict, distraction, & burnout in career, family, and in ourselves are patterns based on a bigger problem. Stress. S T R E S S ! That is the core behind suffering. 

To use a driving metaphor; stress causes us to drive out of our lane, across the rumble strips of life, onto the shoulder, and into the ditch (or oncoming traffic, yikes!). The wake-up event is painful, often irreversible. We need…

A New Map

Stress is inevitable. So, how can we transform it into clarity, connection, progress, happiness?

I discovered 5 Elements where stress hurts us most: Mindset, People, Strategy, Action, & Outcomes. These 5 Elements are not arbitrary or opinion-based. Rather, they are built from 25 years of findings by myself and the best of humanity, simplified on a New Map for a…

A Better Path Forward

I help people transform stress, using this new map of shortcuts, to reverse overwhelm, conflict, distraction, and burnout. Feeling more centered, responsive, helpful, happy, healthyWouldn’t that feel better?

This Matters

I believe we can transform stress, fast. And I believe doing so matters as individuals, partners, parents, leaders, humans… for Heart, Mind, Mission, and Time Alive!

Discover 15 shortcuts I use to transform stress into something useful, starting today.

When you enter your email above, you’ll receive FREE audio recordings by email links. The recordings share on how I Transform Stress into something useful. We’ll go over the entire Map of Mindset, People, Strategy, Action, and Outcomes and every shortcut inside. At the end, I'll offer a paid membership to keep your new "Transform Stress" momentum going: reversing overwhelm, conflict, distraction, and burnout. If you decide to skip the offer, don't worry. You'll still receive FREE useful findings, along with occasional paid offers, so we can continue to Transform Stress, together!

PS: I will not spam/sell your email to anyone & you can OPT OUT anytime, no issue, no stress!