Recommended Resources

For Transforming Stress

Map Resources


Improve Life. (I personally own this and it has moved me ahead in every area of life: relationships, family, career, business, health) Get it: All Access to Tony Robbins’ Training Programs
Classical music for clear thinking while (I listen daily): Classical WRCJ Detroit Streaming & Classical IPR Interlochen, MI


Strong, healthy relationships based on data: John & Julie Gottman
Build & fortify your Emotional Intelligence: Daniel Goleman


Answering what makes great companies and caereers: Jim Collins
How to create cohesive teams: Patrick Lencioni
Best financial calculators on the entire internet: DinkyTown


Potent (and fast) resource on how to decide on and prioritize tasks: Eisenhower Decision Matrix 
Calendars to print: year, quarter, month, week (I use the weekly calendar, every week): Printable Calendars


Top resource to mitigate poor results and win big: Harvard Business Review (HBR)


Build -create an unshakeable business and character
The Game -real business education for everyone
How I Built This -moments of doubt and failure, and insights building iconic brands
Wisdom From the Top -secrets revealed on the way to the top of great organizations 

(adding more monthly)

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*denotes a highly recommended read

*Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0: I believe this to be the most important book for a small business, large company, or manager at any level, if the goal is winning bigger in less time

*7 Habits of Highly Effective People: A must-read for anyone interested in a fulfilling, useful life.

7 Habits of Highly Effective Families: A must-read for anyone interested in creating a strong family unit

7 Habits of Highly Effective Kids: A must-read for parents with their kids ages 3-8-ish for installing the tools to be happier as they venture into the world of school, other kids, and life challenges

The Effective Executive: A guide on getting the right things done, absolutely essential reading for someone who leads anything from family to a Fortune company

*The Essays of Warren Buffett: Simple, time-tested teachings on finance and management, no MBA needed to apply the lessons

8 Rules of Love: Exceptionally useful framework for outstanding relationships with partners, kids, people… personally tested, fully endorse!

*$100 Million Offers: How to make an offer so good people feel stupid saying no. Useful for learning how to influence ethically, in the best interest of the audience. 

$100 Million Leads: How to get strangers to want to buy your stuff. Useful, proven strategies to fill your sales funnel and sell more stuff.

Blue Zones: Reveals findings of people who live the longest and maintain good health, energy, vitality throughout they lifespans.

Why We Sleep: Shares why sleep is key avoiding many devastating health issues and enjoying longevity.

(more to come throughout each month)